The accounting year shall be from 1st April to 31st March.
2. There shall be at least two General-Body meetings
every year. The General Body meeting for holding elections will
be held in March every year. A 15-day notice shall be given to the
members for holding a General-Body meeting.
3. The audited accounts of the Association for
the previous year shall be presented in the March General Body Meeting
of the Association.
4. A special meeting of the General Body of the
Association can be convened by any ten members of the Association
by a written request to the Secretary, specifying the purpose of
the meeting. In such case a notice of one month will be essential.
5. Any four members of the Executive Committee
may make a written request to the Secretary, specifying the purpose,
to convene a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Association.
In such a case a notice of fifteen days will be essential.
6. The quorum for the General Body Meeting shall
be 10% of the membership. If there is no quorum, the
meeting shall be adjourned and reconvened within an hour, whereafter
no quorum shall be required.
7. The quorum for the Executive Committee Meeting
will be four members. |