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n 23rd April '05, 60 students bought Anchor Stitch Kit to be stitched and finished during summer holidays for the Anchor Embroidery Contest.

           1st Neha Mamgain (VI E)
           2nd Vinisha Pal (VI D)
           3rd Konika Shrma (VI B)

           1st Vrishti Jain (VIII B)
           2nd Bhavana Saluja (VII B)
           3rd Uditi (VIII D)
           Consolation Prize - Bhumika Kheerbhat (VIII F)   
On 28th April '05 Slogan Writing and Poster Making Competition was held by B.Ed. Students of Lady Irwin College.

On 29th April '05 Joint Assembly was held in school for 'Earth Day'. Later on students of Class VIII went for 'Prabhat Pheri' to convey messages of care of the environment.

6th Aug '05, Debate arranged by NIE
Class VI - Rain a Boon or a Bane.               
Class VII - Environment Pollution --A Government Problem
Class VIII- Omen Are Safe In Delhi?

Prize Winners-
                      1st Preeti Salin (VI C)
                      2nd Harshita Singh (VI F)
                      3rd Rutvi Kakar (VI A)

                      1st Jasjot Kaur (VII E)
                      2nd Rachna Bhalla (VII C)
                      3rd Neha Joshi (VII A)

                      1st Pratibha Arya (VIII F)
                      2nd Pragati Sharma (VIII B)
                      3rd Akanshita Dey (VIII B)

11th Aug '05 Sunfeast-'Hara Banao Campaign, talk on the ‘Recycling of Old Materials’ like paper, cloth, string etc.

11th Aug'05 Johnson and Johnson talk organised by Dr. Divya Paliwal of Lok Nayak Hospital Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department.

16th Aug '05 Independence Day celebration flag hoisting by Principal followed by March Past and cultural event by the school students.

26th Aug '05 Sunfeast had Second Round Activity of 'Hara Banao Campaign' in which students made bags out of waste.

On 26th Aug '05 a two-hour Disaster Management Programme was organised by:

  1. Mr. Hari Kumar - National Co-ordinator, Indian Earthquake Safety, Geological Hazards International
  2. Miss Elia Jafar - District Project Officer, Disaster Management Programme.
  3. Mr. Sajjan Kumar - Asst. Fire Officer NDM.

5th Sep '05 Teachers Day Celebration by Middle School Children.

8th Sep '05 Magic Show was organised by NIE.
18th Nov '05 Rs. 65 thousand collected by students was handed over to Ms. Ruby, Ambassador Helpage India.

17th Dec'05 Procter and Gamble hosted parent-student-teacher talk on the Growth of Child. Around 250 students participated.

23rd Nov '05 Miss Sheerie and Mr. Robert gave lecture on Importance of Almonds in Our Life.

23rd Nov '05 12 Students of Class VIII had gone to Shriram Centre to witness a musical adaptation of a Russian story by Yuri Olesha - 'Teen Mote' staged by Ramjas School, Pusa Road.

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